Thursday, December 1, 2011

Okere Falls and Lake Rotoiti, 1 December

My friends from Auckland, Max and Eva, were enjoying an early summer holiday at the Lake Rotoiti Motor Camp and I decided to nip over for lunch. They chose a great time to take their boat and camper van away. No crowds of holiday makers and beautiful weather.

It took about an hour and a half to drive over through Tauranga and I arrived in time for morning tea in the motor home. The camp site is right on the edge of the lake and very clean and tidy. The water is clear enough for fresh water mussels to thrive but Max and Eva found them tasteless when they cooked some up.

We then visited the Okere Falls which were nearby. The water flows out of the end of Lake Rotoiti and into the River. The spectacular falls, which are popular with adventure seekers and kayakers, are surrounded by native bush. At the other end the river flows into trout pools, a popular fishing spot.

Max has discovered the delights of putting his boat into a lake. No problems with the tide going out and leaving the boat high and dry. The camp manager helped him put it onto a mooring, and it was there, ready and waiting for them to hop in and go trout fishing.

I came home by another route, which passes alongside the northern end of Lake Rotorua and through Hamurana, then over the Kaimais. It’s a beautiful road which has not been sealed for very long and was much quicker. It took only one hour and twenty minutes to get from the camp to Katikati. And it is a much nicer drive, through another spectacular gorge, forests and beautiful farm land. At Pyes Pa you are rewarded with sweeping views of the Bay of Plenty, Tauranga and Mount Maunganui.

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