The small but very interesting Te Manawa museum and art gallery were also impressive. We visited Santa’s Cave, which was originally in a department store. Farmers was recently demolished to make way for a new shopping mall and Santa has taken up residence in the art gallery, along with a ukulele band! It had a wonderful old fashioned style and brought back vague memories for Robert. I am sure it continues to delight many youngsters and us oldies too.
I also found a retrospective exhibition from Tauranga Art Gallery, of Lynley Dodd’s art work! Her books are always a favourite with children even today. Jennie and I loved My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes and the original art work from all her books and cartoons was on show, including of course, all the delightful Hairy Maclary books.
While Robert slept on the floor of his cousin’s home 20 minutes south of town, I found a home away from home with Servas hosts Kevin and Noeline, just 5 minutes up the road. The farms are on the flood plain of the Manawatu River. I declined politely Kevin’s invitation to get up at 3.30 to help milk the cows. Instead I was able to relax have a lie in and tuck into free range eggs and bacon at a more respectable hour. I had a delightful farm stay. The three free range hens were highly entertaining and very free ranging!
As often happens when a Servas traveller, I found myself joining in a special family occasion. We all went out to the Lone Star restaurant in the centre ville for dinner, to celebrate Gerard’s birthday, along with grandchildren, sons and daughters and partners. We had a fun night and I enjoyed meeting all the young people.
Like all the wonderful Servas hosts I stayed with in Europe, Kevin and Noeline took me in to their home (at very short notice) and made me feel very welcome.
And in a very short time I have made new friends. As I always say, there are no strangers only friends we haven’t met yet!
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